TELL ME A STORY takes the world’s most beloved fairy tales and reimagines them as a dark and twisted psychological thriller. Set in modern-day New York City, the first season of this serialized drama interweaves “The Three Little Pigs,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Hansel and Gretel” into an epic and subversive tale of love, loss, greed, revenge and murder.

The series stars James Wolk (“Goliath,” “Zoo,” “Lonestar”) as Jordan Evans, Billy Magnussen (“Get Shorty,” “Black Mirror,” “American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson”) as Nick Simpson, Dania Ramirez (“Once Upon A Time,” “Off The Menu”) as Hannah Perez, Danielle Campbell (“The Originals,” “Famous in Love”) as Kayla Powell, Dorian Crossmond Missick (“Southland,” “Animal Kingdom”) as Sam, Michael Raymond-James (“True Blood,” “Once Upon A Time”) as Mitch Longo, Davi Santos (“Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Brothers”) as Gabe Perez, Sam Jaeger (“The Handmaid’s Tale,” “Parenthood”) as Tim Powell, Zabryna Guevara (“Gotham,” “The Get Down”) as Detective Garcia, with Paul Wesley (“The Vampire Diaries,” “Medal of Honor”) as Eddie Longo and Kim Cattrall (“Sex and the City,” “Sensitive Skin”) as Colleen Powell.